Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Evaluation - Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When I first started using Microsoft Publisher for my preliminary task, I found it difficult to get the hang of making a magazine. I did not know exactly how magazines were constructed or formed in order to attract a certain demographic. I also found it hard to focus on the mode of address because my target audience was very broad. This is why I believe that my preliminary task was not done to my best capability.  It was unorganised, the copy did not line up and the images were placed all over the place. The typography also did not represent my demographic which were students, parents and teachers. It was too funky and not as serious as a school magazine should look like. The pictures on the contents page also did not to any of the stories. This shows that I was unfamiliar to how magazines link everything and have the same theme throughout the magazine.

In magazines, there is usually a three colour theme throughout the whole magazine. Even if there isn’t a three colour theme, there is always some sort of theme colour throughout the magazine. This helps the reader to define between the different sections in the magazine. For my preliminary task, the colour theme changed from the front page of being black, baby blue and yellow to being on the contents page of dark blue, black and white. This made my school magazine look unprofessional and rather odd.

After researching about the structure and form of magazines, making my final music magazine proved to be a lot more time consuming however easier because I knew how to construct it so it looks more professional. For the front page and contents page, I found it a lot easier to form them to attract a certain demographic of young teenage girls. However, for the double page spread it was more difficult because we did not make one for the preliminary task so I had to find out and research the forms and conventions of a double page spread.

I found out how the front page, contents page and double page spread were constructed by finding two different magazines which were aimed at different demographics and analysing them. This helped me to see how magazines who are aimed at a similar demographic to me construct and form their magazines in order to attract their target audience. It provided me with the information I needed to in order to make my magazine look professional. It built up my skills in using Microsoft Publisher, using all aspects of the programme to make my magazine look as proficient as possible.

While making the preliminary task, the pictures I used which I took were not photo-shopped using Photoshop or Photo Sherif. However when doing my music magazine, both or one of these programmes had to be used. I decided to use Photo Sherif because I found it easier. From using this programme, I have learnt and gained a lot of new skills such as cropping the background, whitening and getting rid of spot blemishes. It look me a while to get used to using it because it was my first time using such a programme to manipulate photos to make them look better than life (hyper-reality). I did not airbrush my images or use cropping to make the models body look slimmer because from the research I carried out, it showed that it made the models look unreal and it gave the wrong image to young girls. The young girls look up to the people featured in magazines as inspiration, so if I did crop their body or airbrush them, it would make the young girls see something that isn’t real as being perfect.

Along with the technological skills, I have also gained insight into theories that magazines use such as The Male Gaze and Uses and Gratification theory. I learnt that magazines purposely use the pictures where the models pose fits the male gaze. They use this to attract their audience which sells their magazines. All magazines do this because as the theory suggests, we look at everything from a males perspective (the camera lens is seen in a male’s perspective). Magazines also use the Uses and Gratification theory in order to help the readers relate to the magazine and articles. This is so the reader can escape from everyday reality problems. This is why magazines mainly use interviews in their double page spreads. Interviews tend to draw the reader in because it makes the reader feel as if they are asking the questions and they are getting the answers straight away, so it is as if they are interviewing the person themselves.

Overall, I have learnt and developed many technological skills in order to make the final product from the preliminary task. Researching about magazines has helped me make my final product look more professional and formal. My preliminary task was not done to my best ability because I did not have the knowledge that I had about magazines when I made my final product. This is why my music magazine is better than my preliminary task of a school magazine.

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