Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Evaluation - Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

I decided that I would aim my magazine at young teenage girls aged between roughly 11 and 14. My demographic are still seen as children, past the age of around 14 their taste and interests change and become more mature.  

I chose my demographic by creating a questionnaire on QuestionPro (http://www.slideshare.net/Shivie18/questionnaire-results-12572904) and uploading it to Facebook and twitter. I also presented my media results (http://youtu.be/zwIjvGnaBgU). This showed the demographic that I will be aiming my magazine at. By using QuestionPro, it made it easier to pick out my demographic which I presented using graphs on Microsoft PowerPoint. From the questionnaire I found out how often my demographic buy magazines, their favourite music artists, who they aspire to etc. The results helped my construct and form my magazine in order to fit my target audience. From my questionnaire I found that most of my demographic listen to pop music, as supposed to heavy metal. I also found out that most of the music artists answered when asked ‘Who is your favourite artist?’ was pop music singers. This links back to when I found that most of my target audience listen to pop music such as Justin Bieber, One Direction and JLS. This therefore helped with who I was aiming my music magazine at, young teenage girls who listen to pop music. Also, as most of the artists chosen were male, it suggests that all young teenage girls think about are boys, showing that I will have to attract my audience by using pictures/stories about some boys in my magazine, however my magazine would not be covered by boys because it is not the best way to represent young girls and so therefore I would have free giveaways so there are other incentives to buy the magazine.

The results also gave me an insight into how often people buy magazines. Most of them said never, however a lot said once a month. This helped me decide that I will release my a magazine issue once a month but I will also get my magazine on the internet in order to keep up with the latest trends as more and more people go on the internet to look at the news or magazines. Most of the people who took my questionnaire wanted to be a tiger. This shows that they want to be seen as powerful and independent people. The results also helped me pick out a price range for the magazine. I will price my magazine at £2.00 because my demographic will not have jobs and their parents might also buy the magazine for them. So putting the price low will give them an incentive to buy the magazine because it will be cheaper than other girlie music magazines.

When asked who they aspire to be, most of them put successful people who have a lot of money. However, some said ‘no-one’, this shows that young teenagers would like to be themselves and wouldn’t want to change to be anyone else. This is showing that the media is encouraging the younger generation to become independent. However, young people still follow the celebrity culture by reading stories about them and wanting to have some of their success. From this answer, it helped me decide to put famous aspiring people on my magazine that the younger generation will be able to relate to. I then finally found out what they aspire to be when they are older. This linked in with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as they would like to be near the top at the ‘Esteem’ or ‘Self-actualization’ stage.

I then created an audience profile which contains everything that my demographic like and enjoy. It is the results of my questionnaire put into picture forms in order to make it look better so it is more visual what my demographic like.

The artists that I added to my magazine excluding the main image included music artists such as Justin Bieber, Victoria Justice, Cheryl Cole, The Wanted and Demo etc. The reason why I included these specific artists in my magazine is due to their publicity and screaming fans. Demo is a recently discovered artist who writes his own songs, like Justin Bieber. However, the difference is the genre of music, Demo is rap and Justin Bieber is more pop. They are both artists which young teenagers can inspire too as they were both studying when they got their big break and are still studying. I chose Cheryl Cole because of the amount of bad publicity she has had and with the recent events happening with her husband cheating on her, no matter how bad it was, she managed to get right back up. This is a good role model to young teenage girls as it shows that they can be strong and confident women too.

Along with the qualitative data from the questionnaire, I also gathered quantitative data. This is from the small focus group to which I handed the templates of my magazine too. I asked them about the construction and the form of my magazine, which one they preferred and why. This helped me in the construction, colour scheme and form of my final music magazine product. They liked the construction with the colour scheme of watered down colours pink and purple. The contents page and double page spread however looked emptier so they suggested adding more images. I took all their advice and criticisms on board when creating the end product of my magazine.

I also researched other music magazines aimed at a similar or the same demographic as me. This was to see their construction and colour theme. It would help me in order to make my magazine stand out more to attract my demographic as music magazines aimed at the same demographic as mine are seen as competition.

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