My name is Shivani Mistry, I am studying media studies AS at Rooks Heath College. The first part of the coursework required in creating a preliminary task. This is where I had to create a magazine for the college for a target audience which were students, teachers and parents.
The main coursework involved composing a music magazine with a front page, contents page and double page spread which was aimed at an demographic of my choice. This blog contains research, planning, construction and the supporting account for my music magazine.
The research involved collecting data from a focus group in order for my demographic to tell me what they like to see in a music magazine. This would help with the planning and construction of the codes and conventions of my front page, contents page and double page spread. In these pages, codes and conventions will be developed, challenged and also used in order to appeal to my demographic. I was required to create a questionnaire on QuestionPro to research my demographic. This would help me to collect the codes and conventions to compose the magazine which would appeal to my demographic. I promoted my questionnaire by using social networking sites and multimedia platforms such as facebook and twitter. I then had to present these results by recording myself and anitating them.
This is the URL for the results from my questionnaire.
I then had to to a template for the front page, contents page and double page spread, then take photos of our music artists and create a contact sheet which showed the photos we would use and the ones we would not use. The photos used are generally in line with the male gaze in order to attract the target audience.
My magazine was then created using the codes and conventions obtained by my quesitonnaire. I also went against some of the codes and conventions in order to make my magazine look more unique.
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